Account seizure - this is what to do

Can an account be seized just like that?

In order to initiate an account seizure, the creditor must take certain legal steps. First, he needs an enforcement title that gives him the right to collect the debt. Then he must apply for a seizure and transfer order to officially carry out the account seizure. Only after receiving the order can the creditor initiate the seizure of his debtor's account.

IMPORTANT special case: If the tax office acts as an enforcement authority

If the tax office collects money , then that is a very special case.

It follows its own rules, which are laid down in the rules of the Tax Code (AO) . The tax office is not only responsible for telling you how much tax you owe, but it also serves as its own enforcement authority . It does not have to go to the enforcement court to get an enforcement title.

Usually, the payment request, i.e. the tax assessment notice, already contains a warning that the tax office will enforce the debt if you do not meet the payment deadline. The tax office could then basically start the enforcement immediately. But according to Section 259 S. 1 of the Tax Laws (AO), the tax office must first warn the debtor and give him a week to pay.

This means that the tax office cannot simply use your account for enforcement purposes without prior warning.

Seizure of the account: Fast action is now required

If an account is seized, it is important to act quickly. It is advisable to seek expert legal advice immediately to determine the best possible course of action.

  1. Get to know the details : Find out who initiated the garnishment, the reason for the garnishment, and the amount garnished. Carefully review the information to make sure everything is correct.
  2. Contact your bank : Contact your bank immediately and inform them of the seizure. Ask about the specific steps you need to take to deal with the situation. Your bank will give you information and instructions on how to proceed.
  3. Clarify any outstanding questions: Ask your bank any questions you have about the seizure. Ask about the impact on your account, access to your money and any restrictions. The more informed you are, the better you can handle the situation.
  4. Gather bank and other relevant documents : Secure all relevant documents related to the garnishment. This includes all communications with the creditor, garnishment notices and other documents related to the garnishment. Accurate documentation will help you review your case and take legal action if necessary.
  5. Consult a professional with expertise : If you are unsure or need legal advice, you should consult a professional . A lawyer or debt counseling agency can help you understand your rights, assess the situation, and take appropriate steps to remove the garnishment.

As an account holder, this is the best way to proceed after initial contact with a specialist:

Set up immediate account seizure protection using a P-account

If your account is seized, you should first open a seizure protection account (P-account) This protects a certain basic allowance from seizure.

Setting up a P-account allows you to continue to have access to a certain amount of money despite a seizure. This amount varies depending on your personal circumstances, including the number of dependents.

Can the debtor's money still be seized despite having a P-account?

The P-account offers protection and allows the account holder to keep a certain allowance from their balance that cannot be seized. This allowance is set by law and serves to ensure the debtor's minimum subsistence level. The P-account therefore guarantees a certain level of protection against seizure of bank balances. However, amounts exceeding the calculated allowance can still be seized.

Cancel or reverse account seizure – possible in some cases

It is certainly possible to lift an account seizure, but this requires payment of the debt or an agreement with the creditors. An insolvency procedure can also provide a remedy in this case. This is ideally handled by experts.


  1. Contact the creditor: Contact the creditor who initiated the garnishment. Clarify the outstanding debt and try to reach an agreement. In some cases, the creditor is willing to lift the garnishment if an alternative payment arrangement can be made.
  2. Agree on payment in installments: Offer to pay the creditor the outstanding debt in installments. If the creditor agrees, the attachment can be lifted as soon as you make the agreed payments regularly. In most cases, the creditor will let the attachment rest and not lift it completely.
  3. Apply for seizure protection from the enforcement court: Under certain circumstances, for example if the debtor has special financial requirements due to his individual situation, the enforcement court can grant additional seizure protection in exceptional cases. As soon as the creditor has initiated a seizure on the debtor's bank account, the bank is no longer permitted to pay out the balance to the debtor.
  4. Check the seizure limits: In some cases, the amounts seized may exceed the seizure exemption limits established by law. Find out about the rules in force and check whether the seizure is legal. In this case, you can request that the seizure be lifted.
  5. Contesting the attachment: Sometimes it may even be justified to contest the attachment. This can be the case if the attachment is unlawful or if there are formal errors in its implementation. In such cases, you should seek legal advice from a specialist lawyer and, if necessary, take legal action to lift the attachment.

Conclusion on account seizure & possible countermeasures:

An account seizure occurs when a creditor initiates an enforcement measure against a debtor who does not meet his payment obligations.

Once the seizure is initiated, quick action is required to determine the best course of action. Those affected should inform themselves fully about the situation, contact their bank and seek legal advice. They should also immediately set up a seizure protection account (P-account) to protect a basic allowance from seizure.

It is possible to lift an account seizure , but it requires the debt to be paid or an agreement to be reached with the creditor. If necessary, those affected can also initiate insolvency proceedings to pay off the debt and lift the seizure. It is important from the outset to secure all relevant documents and to communicate openly with creditors and public authorities, as well as advice centers, in order to find and implement the best possible solutions.

Folgende Fragen werden zur Kontopfändung häufig gestellt.

Wie läuft eine Pfändung während des Insolvenzverfahrens ab?

Im Insolvenzverfahren werden alle pfändbaren Vermögenswerte des Schuldners, einschließlich Gehaltsansprüche, zur Insolvenzmasse gezogen. Die Pfändung wird vom Insolvenzverwalter vorgenommen, der dann das Vermögen zur Begleichung der Gläubigerforderungen verwendet.

Zu welchem Zeitpunkt erfolgt eine Pfändung im Rahmen einer Insolvenz?

Die Pfändung im Rahmen einer Insolvenz erfolgt sofort nach Eröffnung des Insolvenzverfahrens. Das gesamte pfändbare Vermögen wird zur Insolvenzmasse gezogen.

Wie ist die Pfändungsgrenze bei einer Privatinsolvenz definiert?

Die Pfändungsgrenze wird durch die Pfändungstabelle bestimmt und richtet sich nach dem Einkommen des Schuldners und der Anzahl seiner unterhaltsberechtigten Personen. Der Restbetrag, der nach der Abführung an die Gläubiger übrig bleibt, wird als pfändungsfreies Einkommen bezeichnet.

Erfolgt eine Kontosperrung im Falle einer Privatinsolvenz?

Eine Privatinsolvenz führt nicht automatisch zur Kontosperrung. Der Schuldner kann weiterhin über den pfändungsfreien Betrag verfügen. Es empfiehlt sich, ein P-Konto (Pfändungsschutzkonto) einzurichten, um den Schutz des pfändungsfreien Betrags zu gewährleisten.

Kann der Insolvenzverwalter auf mein Bankkonto zugreifen?

Ja, der Insolvenzverwalter hat das Recht, Informationen über Ihre finanzielle Situation einzusehen, einschließlich Ihrer Bankkonten. Er kann jedoch nicht direkt auf Ihr Konto zugreifen oder Geld abheben.

Wann entscheidet der Insolvenzverwalter, dass das Konto wieder freigegeben wird?

Das hängt vom spezifischen Insolvenzverfahren ab. In der Regel wird das Konto nicht gesperrt, und der Schuldner kann weiterhin über den pfändungsfreien Betrag verfügen.

Wie erhalte ich Zugriff auf mein Geld bei einer Kontopfändung?

Um Zugriff auf Ihr Geld bei einer Kontopfändung zu erhalten, sollten Sie ein Pfändungsschutzkonto (P-Konto) einrichten. Auf einem P-Konto ist ein bestimmter Betrag vor Pfändungen geschützt.

Gilt diese Pfändungsfreigrenze auch für Rentner?

Altersrente wird dem Arbeitseinkommen gleichgesetzt. Diese ist demnach auch Pfändungspflichtig im Falle der festgesetzten Zahlungsverpflichtung im Falle von Schulden. Somit JA. Hier kommen die gleichen Freibeträge zur Anwendung wie bei der Lohnpfändung

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