attachment exemption amount 2025

table of contents

Current attachment-free amounts from July 2024 with example calculations

The attachment table is an overview that shows the maximum amount of money that can be attached in the event of a wage or salary attachment, pension payments or other benefits. This table is based on legal requirements and is updated regularly. The aim of the attachment table is to ensure that debtors have enough money to live on even after a attachment or during insolvency and are not completely financially ruined.

According to this table, most people usually have significantly more money available after filing for insolvency than before. This is because after the application has been filed by a debt and insolvency advice center, a suitable person or body according to Section 305 InsO (e.g. SIC Schuldner-Insolvenz-Centrum eV) no creditor preference or disadvantage may be given. In concrete terms, this means that no more installment payments, loans or debts may be settled.

The current exemption from attachment (since July 1, 2023) amounts to €1,409.99 and will increase to €1,499.99 on July 1, 2024.

Debt-free in just three years

From July 1, 2024, the seizure exemption amount will be 1,499.99 euros. Even in the event of insolvency, you will always have at least 1,499.99 euros in your account each month (until July 1, 2024, it will be 1,409.99 euros) of your net income at your free disposal.

However, if a debtor has to pay maintenance or provides maintenance in kind (e.g. for children under 25 who live at home and have no fixed income), he has an even higher exemption from seizure*. The increase for the first maintenance obligation will also be increased by 33.14 euros from 527.76 euros to 560.90 euros on July 1, 2024. Anyone who is obliged to pay maintenance for two to five children will receive an increase of 312.78 euros each instead of 294.02 euros from July 1, 2024.

Information on the seizure exemption amounts

We have great news for you! From July 1, 2024, the new seizure exemption limits for current accounts will come into force and we want to make sure that you are one of the first winners of these changes. The increase in the seizure exemption limit to 1,499.99 euros gives you even greater protection from creditors.

For those who have a P-account, this means that there is a seizure protection of 1,499.99 euros (rounded up accordingly in accordance with Section 899 Paragraph 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure). The current seizure exemption limit of 1,409.99 euros for debtors without maintenance obligations still applies until the end of June 2024. But from July 2024, an impressive 1,499.99 euros will be protected on your P-account. This is a significant increase that gives you more financial flexibility.

Sample calculations for the exemption from attachment on the P-account (valid from July 2024)

Example calculation of tax allowance - Case 1:

A single person has a net income of €1,499. In this case, the creditor can seize €0 per month! The person is left with the entire net income. If you have €80,000 in debt, €0 per month will be seized during a 3-year insolvency. So you are completely debt-free after three years

Example calculation of tax allowance - case 2:

A married person without children has a net income of €2,050.00. According to the attachment table, €0 will be attached. The person will therefore keep the full €2,050.00

Example calculation of tax allowance - case 3:

A married person with one child has a net income of €2,360.00. Here too, €0 will be seized! Only if the income is higher could an amount be seized. With €47,000 in debt, €0 will be seized each month during the 3-year insolvency.

Benefits that cannot be seized:

  • childcare and parental allowance
  • child benefit
  • housing benefit
  • BAföG, scholarships and study grants
  • birth allowances
  • marriage allowances
  • funeral expenses
  • grace payments
  • blind allowances
  • travel expenses

All income in this category is exempt from seizure in its entirety.

Contact us

If you need further information, tips and tricks on the basic allowance in the event of insolvency and the procedures, contact us on the WhatsApp number +4915732478936 . Your SIC Debtor Insolvency Center team in Stuttgart will be happy to assist you!

Lesen Sie auch: Wird ein P-Konto der Schufa gemeldet? Rechtslage & Begründung

Es können finanzielle Verpflichtungen, wie beispielsweise Kontokorrentkredite oder offene Rechnungen bei Versandhäusern an die Schufa gemeldet werden.

Die Schufa gibt anhand der gespeicherten Daten Auskunft darüber, ob eine Person in der Vergangenheit finanzielle Verpflichtungen fristgerecht erfüllt hat oder ob es möglicherweise Zahlungsschwierigkeiten gab. Doch wird automatisch auch ein P-Konto gemeldet?

Mehr zum P-Konto

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