
Peter Zwegat - The Nation's Debt Advisor

Peter Zwegat – died at the age of 74 Peter Zwegat, known as the "nation's debt counselor," rose to national fame through his TV show "Get out of debt." In...

Peter Zwegat - The Nation's Debt Advisor

Peter Zwegat – died at the age of 74 Peter Zwegat, known as the "nation's debt counselor," rose to national fame through his TV show "Get out of debt." In...

Insolvenzverfahren: Ablauf und Phasen

Insolvency Proceedings: Process and Phases

An insolvency procedure is not the end, but can be seen as an opportunity for a new financial start. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a private individual – early...

Insolvency Proceedings: Process and Phases

An insolvency procedure is not the end, but can be seen as an opportunity for a new financial start. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a private individual – early...

Privatinsolvenz – Was Sie wissen müssen

Personal Bankruptcy – What You Need to Know

Personal bankruptcy is not an easy path, but it is an option if you can no longer get out of the debt trap. With the help of the Debtor-Insolvency-Centrum eV In Leinfelden-Echterdingen...

Personal Bankruptcy – What You Need to Know

Personal bankruptcy is not an easy path, but it is an option if you can no longer get out of the debt trap. With the help of the Debtor-Insolvency-Centrum eV In Leinfelden-Echterdingen...