Continuing the company despite insolvency

Out-of-court settlements are not always possible

Trying to reach an out-of-court settlement with creditors may be the right first step.

However, if an agreement is not possible, various options, such as “insolvency in self-administration” or “standard insolvency for companies” can be the solution for a GmbH.

Stabilization and hedging instruments of GmbHs

Capital protection as a measure

The importance of share capital for a GmbH was already confirmed by the Federal Court of Justice in 2022 and reaffirmed in November 2023.


Preservation of share capital as protection:

The minimum share capital of the GmbH (at least 25,000 euros) must be protected in order to be distributed in the event of liability to third parties.

 The GmbH is not liable with the private assets of the shareholders involved, but only with the assets of the company.

The creditors of the GmbH are disadvantaged by the liability privilege and the share capital is used as a minimum sum in the event of liability, in particular to protect the creditors.

As soon as the share capital is used up, it must be replenished. This can be done through fresh capital or a debt-to-equity swap , in which creditors can become new shareholders.

The subsequent payment is irrelevant. And it is not permissible to use a shareholders' resolution to avoid the impending insolvency. This is because the share capital (of at least €25,000) may not be distributed to shareholders. As soon as the capital is not available, subsequent payments cannot be made, but an insolvency application must be submitted immediately and within the deadline.

Important to know: Managing director liability

Managing directors may be personally liable if they aggravate the crisis despite delaying insolvency or mismanagement. It is important to act promptly and correctly in order to minimize personal liability risks.

If the share capital is no longer available, the company is obliged to file for insolvency. A managing director must file for insolvency no later than three weeks after insolvency or excessive indebtedness occurs. According to the GmbH Act ( GmbH Act § 84 ).

The management usually has the following objectives:

  • Avoid delaying insolvency according to the Insolvency Code (InsO) § 15a and thus reduce the liability risks of the management
  • Restructuring or dissolution of a company ( depending on economic viability, restructuring or even liquidation / dissolution )

Delaying insolvency must be avoided:

As soon as the GmbH becomes insolvent, the management has three weeks to file for insolvency.

Special case in the case of over-indebtedness: In this case, the period can be extended to six weeks. The obligation to file for insolvency is violated if these deadlines are not met and there is a risk of delaying the filing of insolvency proceedings.

 In the worst case, the consequences would be a prison sentence and the managing director could be personally liable for the “quota damage” (so-called piercing the corporate veil liability) suffered by the creditors as a result of the delay in filing for insolvency.

Basics - When does a possible GMBH insolvency actually occur?

  • Imminent insolvency. According to § 18 InsO >> May require an insolvency application
  • Insolvency, § 17 InsO >> Application for insolvency is mandatory.
  • Over-indebtedness, § 19 InsO >> Application for insolvency is mandatory.
Team discusses contracts in the office.

Legal peculiarities of insolvency for the continuation of the company

For this purpose, an insolvency administrator must take action (according to Section 35 of the Insolvency Code (InsO) ). The administrator must decide upon opening whether the business will continue while retaining the insolvency estate. Sales and operating expenses are part of the insolvency estate.


When the GmbH may not be continued under any circumstances:

If the opening of insolvency proceedings is rejected due to insufficient assets, the continuation of a GmbH is excluded by law despite the fact that the reasons for insolvency no longer apply. The GmbH is dissolved by the resolution in accordance with Section 60 Paragraph 1 No. 5 GmbHG .

The managing director will then use the remaining assets to partially satisfy the creditors. As a result, the company will be deleted from the commercial register.

A company without assets that cannot be continued offers creditors no opportunity to assert their claims that go beyond the existing assets.

Reorganization and restructuring:

Different legal and strategic approaches.

The aim of the restructuring is to make the company operational again and to generate sufficient profits. To achieve this, the company's solvency must first be restored.

 The legislature has created special measures for companies that are threatened with insolvency in order to save the company and not break it up.

Calculating company inventories at the desk

Quick overview - The following reorganization and restructuring options are common practice:

1. Out-of-court settlement with creditors

2. Protective shield procedure & self-administration according to Section 270a of the Insolvency Code (InsO)

3. Insolvency proceedings ( standard insolvency for companies )

reorganization and restructuring options

1) Out-of-court settlement

An out-of-court settlement with creditors is an opportunity, outside of the public eye, to implement the restructuring plan without insolvency proceedings.

Important to know: Filing for insolvency is still mandatory if the unexpected occurrence of insolvency or excessive indebtedness makes all promising restructuring efforts through settlement unnecessary.

2) The protective shield procedure

The protective shield procedure enables companies to manage insolvency independently.

3) Insolvency in self-administration

A trustee appointed by the insolvency court is responsible for monitoring compliance. The aim is to independently restructure and reduce debts. After completion, the company is debt-free.

4) Insolvency proceedings - standard insolvency for companies

This procedure offers possibilities that are not available with other procedures. Unfavourable contracts can be terminated early if necessary.

Customer contracts, rental and leasing agreements, as well as supplier and general supplier contracts can thus be avoided as cost traps.

In addition, staff reductions can be carried out more efficiently and cheaply. The notice period for the employer is reduced to a maximum of 3 months and social security contributions are capped.

The insolvency administrator himself will usually decide against continuing the GmbH or the company – for personal liability reasons

In most cases, the insolvency administrator decides not to continue the company's operations in order to avoid incalculable risk due to the costs.

If the company does not earn enough to cover all costs, the insolvency administrator will be personally liable on a legal basis ( according to Section 60 InsO (1) ). In particular, also for outstanding taxes. To avoid this risk, the business is often not continued and the company goes bankrupt .

The Federal Court of Justice has ruled that a breach of duty by the insolvency administrator which leads to a reduction in the insolvency estate always results in his liability for all damages suffered by the creditors.

The insolvency administrator is only permitted to take a measure if it is already highly likely in advance that it will be economically viable for the insolvency estate.

If the company continues to operate in insolvency, the still active owner or managing director must continue to be paid his salary from the operating income, which places an additional burden on the insolvency estate.

The insolvency administrator will therefore declare the so-called release of the self-employed activity for self-administration by the managing director upon the opening of insolvency proceedings or shortly thereafter.

When insolvency proceedings are opened or shortly thereafter, the insolvency administrator therefore often declares the so-called release of self-employment.

An out-of-court settlement with creditors. Sometimes a good option.

The following opportunities exist to reach an out-of-court settlement without insolvency proceedings:

Avoiding insolvency proceedings by reaching an agreement with creditors. In some cases, an agreed partial repayment of debts can avert the proceedings.

  • An individual payment plan is possible: With this, repayment can be agreed in installments (e.g. in 3 to 5 years). This is often used.
  • The amount of the debt to be paid can be significantly reduced. Repayment rates of between 20-30% can often be expected.
  • The settlement negotiations can be completed in just a few months (approximately 3 to 6 months)

You should seek advice in advance and choose a suitable lawyer together with your insolvency advisor.

The rough process of the comparison.

  1. Preparation – The offer is prepared and presented in the best possible way based on the basis and current situation together with experts.
  2. Negotiations – The offer was submitted to the creditors in writing and should be contacted additionally.
  3. Ideally, there is an agreement with the creditors - if this is not possible, there is the subsequent option in the form of a court settlement, which should definitely be supervised by a specialist lawyer.

Regular insolvency or self-administration? This should be examined in detail in advance

However, the GmbH should seek independent professional advice to determine whether insolvency proceedings under self-administration (e.g. protective shield proceedings according to Section 270b InsO ) make the most sense. In this case, the management retains control and can restructure the company itself. All of this under the supervision of an administrator.

Important to know: “In the case of a GmbH insolvency, no discharge of legal debt is possible, since a GmbH is a legal entity.”

The time frame for deciding on the continuation of the GmbH is tight:

Within one month, the insolvency administrator must, in accordance with Section 35 Paragraph 3 of the Insolvency Code, make a statement as to whether or not the company will be released from the insolvency estate.

This is intended to provide clarity at an early stage as to whether the income and expenses from the business remain with the owner and whether he or she can earn a living from it or not.

Self-administration by the owner can be the result of a declaration by the insolvency administrator – Insolvency in self-administration begins:

Once the letter of approval has been received, the business owner has control of his business again. All operating income and profits then remain with him. These are not transferred to the insolvency administrator. From this point on, the new operating expenses must be borne by the owner, as is the case with regular self-employment.

This means that the management remains largely in the hands of the previous managing director, who takes on the role of insolvency administrator, while a court-appointed trustee (instead of an insolvency administrator) oversees the proceedings. The prerequisites are the consent of the court and the creditors. This option is often advantageous in order to retain control of the company and to be able to implement a reorganization and restructuring plan.

Important prerequisite for insolvency in self-administration

A restructuring expert who can provide advice should definitely be used, because hardly any managing director is technically skilled enough to act as an insolvency administrator and to manage his own company, even if he officially takes on that role.

The restructuring concept based on a restructuring plan as a basis:

Plan is recorded on whiteboard by two employees

A viable restructuring concept within the restructuring plan is crucial for success.

Under the supervision of the insolvency court and an experienced administrator, the company in the protective shield procedure has the opportunity to draw up a restructuring plan under self-administration and to continue operations.

The restructuring plan could include reducing operating costs, selling non-core assets or restructuring debt.

This is a written framework for action designed to permanently overcome a corporate crisis and ensure a sustainable continuation forecast.

If the restructuring concept is generally considered, the debtor may request a deadline for submitting the restructuring plan.

Deadline for recovery:

If the debtor applies for a deadline to submit a restructuring plan, this can be granted. However, the company may not be liquidated within this deadline (up to a maximum of 14 days).

If the debtor applies for the restructuring plan within these 14 days, the company can continue to operate.

Acceptance of the restructuring plan within 90 days

If the restructuring plan is not accepted within these 90 days or if it does not correspond to the interests of the creditors, the company will be closed and liquidated.

The management continues to manage the company with all its powers and bears the entrepreneurial responsibility. During the process, concepts and plans for restructuring are developed in order to make the company competitive again and thus fit for the future. The protective shield procedure serves to prepare for restructuring through an insolvency plan combined with the continuation of operations under self-administration.

If a company has opted for the protective shield procedure as a restructuring instrument, a certificate from a neutral expert ( so-called certificate according to Section 270d InsO ) must be submitted in order to be able to submit the application for it.

This must essentially confirm the following three statements:

1. The company is foreseeably insolvent (Section 18 InsO)

2. The company is currently not insolvent

3. The desired corporate restructuring has a probability of success


According to the following study (as PDF), companies are more likely to be preserved (60% remain in the hands of the owner after the procedure is completed) if they restructure their company under self-administration proceedings.

Financing before, during and after insolvency

Financing is calculated based on company figures

Before the bankruptcy is declared, a financial cushion can be built up by "non-payment" of bills. Although loans are legally favored after the bankruptcy is declared, banks will probably be very cautious due to the overall situation, despite legal protection.

Obtaining new financing options will therefore be difficult and risky:

During insolvency, it is difficult to get new loans. It is risky to take out a new loan during insolvency. At least the amount should be limited in order to comply with the collateral provided by shareholders. The risk of default should be consciously taken into account from the outset.

Conclusion: Continuing GmbHs in financial difficulties with or without insolvency

It is a complex issue to keep a company going despite financial constraints. But there is always a chance that a company will survive and continue to operate in a healthy manner.

However, you should contact a professional advisory center and specialist lawyers in order to coordinate well with creditors and insolvency administrators. Communication, transparency and entrepreneurial skills are essential to have a fresh and, above all, successful start despite the threat of insolvency.

How we support you in insolvency - For GmbHs & Companies

The SIC Debtor Insolvency Center e. V. is there for you. With us you will receive a certified contact person with a lot of experience and the necessary qualifications who will support you on the path to restructuring or insolvency. stands . Without waiting times and with good telephone accessibility, you benefit from extensive support that goes beyond pure bureaucracy. You also no longer have to open your letters. Simply send your mail directly to us. Our consultants sort the mail for you and help you to get an overview of the situation again. You will receive an orderly overview from us by post or other means.


All necessary downloads & forms on the subject of insolvency can be found here

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Häufige Fragen zur Insolvenzberatung und Schuldenregulierung

Was ist ein Insolvenzverfahren?

Ein Insolvenzverfahren ist (einfach ausgedrückt) ein gerichtliches Verfahren, dass ein Schuldner beantragen kann, wenn er nachhaltige finanzielle Probleme hat. Dabei wird auf Antrag beim zuständigen Amtsgericht ein Verfahren eröffnet, dass zum einen alle Schuldverhältnisse, aber auch alle Vermögensgegenstände beinhaltet und mit Hilfe eines vom Gericht eingesetzten Verwalters eine Entschuldung vornimmt. Dieses Verfahren ist mit Auflagen und Mitwirkungen verbunden, hat aber am Ende die "Entschuldung" zur Folge, so dass ein finanzieller Neustart für den Betroffenen möglich ist. Die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen erklären wir gern ausführlich in dem kostenlosen Erstgespräch.

Kann jeder ein Insolvenzverfahren eröffnen?

Im Prinzip ja. Es muss allerdings eine finanzielle Situation vorliegen, die ein solches Verfahren rechtfertigt d.h. laufende Einnahmen und vorhandene Vermögenswerte sind nicht mehr ausreichend vorhanden, um die Zahlungsverpflichtungen zu erfüllen (Überschuldung). Auch müssen die Schulden höher als die Verfahrenskosten sein. Eine nicht bezahlte Fitness-Mitgliedschaft allein erfüllt diesen Sachstand meistens nicht.

Welche Unterlagen werden bei einer Beratung benötigt?

  • aktueller Einkommensbescheid(e)wie Lohn-/ Gehaltsnachweis Bewilligungsbescheid; Rentenbescheid; Beihilfe usw. Hat man mehrere Einkommen werden alle Einkommensnachweise/ Bescheide benötigt (z.B. bei ergänzenden Leistungen ALGII)
  • evtl. Kindergeldbescheid
  • alle Mahn- und Vollstreckungsbescheide (gelbe Briefe)
  • Nachweise zu unbezahlten Rechnungen
  • Mahnungen, Inkassoschreiben, Schreiben von Rechtsanwälten usw.

HINWEIS: Diese Unterlagen müssen nicht vorsortiert sein, wir verstehen, wenn du mit der Situation überfordert bist und öffnen/sortieren deine Briefe für dich.

Gibt es unterschiedliche Insolvenzverfahren?

Ja. Zum einen das Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren zum anderen das Regelinsolvenzverfahren. Beide Verfahren sind insoweit identisch, als dass beide eine Entschuldung, den Schuldenerlass zum Inhalt haben.

  1. Das Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren (VI) gilt für alle unselbständig Tätigen (Arbeiter, Angestellte, Rentner, Arbeitslose usw.) aber auch für ehemals Selbstständige, die weniger als 19 Gläubiger haben. Bei diesem Verfahren ist es rechtlich vorgeschrieben, dass vor Antragstellung eine anerkannte und zugelassene Insolvenzberatungsstelle einen außergerichtlichen Einigungsversuch mit den Gläubigern unternimmt und bei dessen Scheitern eine s. g. Negativbescheinigung für den konkreten Fall ausstellt. Wir sind eine solche Stelle und können diese Bescheinigung ausstellen.
  2. Das Regelinsolvenzverfahren (RI) ist ein Verfahren für Selbstständige und Freiberufler, die aktuell ihre Selbstständigkeit aufrechterhalten oder für ehemalige Selbstständige die Forderungen aus Arbeitsrechtsverhältnissen ehemaliger Arbeitnehmer*innen oder mehr als 18 Gläubiger haben. Bei diesem Verfahren ist es nicht zwingend vorgeschrieben eine Insolvenzberatungsstelle hinzuzuziehen, unsere Erfahrungswerte zeigen allerdings, dass mit Einbindung einer (unserer) Beratungsstelle die Erfolgsaussichten höher sind und vor allem Fehler vermieden werden, die zum Scheitern des Verfahrens führen können.

Was heißt: Außergerichtlicher Einigungsversuch?

Gesetzlich ist geregelt, dass einem Antrag auf Verbraucherinsolvenz immer der Versuch einer außer (vor-) gerichtlichen Einigung mit allen Gläubigern durch eine anerkannte Insolvenzberatungsstelle vorauszugehen hat. Das bedeutet, dass der versuchen muss, mit allen Gläubigern eine Einigung / Vereinbarung zu erzielen. Basis des dabei zu erarbeitenden Schuldenbereinigungsplans ist das pfändbare Einkommen und die Vermögenswerte des Schuldners, möglicherweise auch ergänzt um freiwillige Zahlbeträge.

Wie ist der weitere Ablauf bei Gericht?

Ist der Antrag auf Verbraucherinsolvenz, ergänzt um die Anträge auf Restschuldbefreiung und Stundung der Verfahrenskosten, bei Gericht eingereicht, so wird als erster Schritt geprüft, ob alle Angaben und Anlagen soweit vollständig vorhanden sind. Der Insolvenzrichter wird in der Folge über die Eröffnung des Verfahrens entscheiden (im "Normalfall" wird ein s. g. Eröffnungsbeschluss erfolgen).

Im Zuge dessen wird durch das Gericht ein Verwalter / Treuhänder eingesetzt, der in der Folge verantwortlicher Ansprechpartner ist, der auch mit der Verwertung möglicherweise vorhandener Vermögenswerte beauftragt wird, dem der Schuldner auskunfts- und rechenschaftspflichtig ist, der während der nun folgenden Wohlverhaltensphase dem Gericht berichtet, der letztendlich auch das Schlussgutachten erstellt und damit das Gericht in die Lage versetzt die Restschuldbefreiung (Schuldenerlass) zu beschließen.

Entstehen für mich im gerichtlichen Verfahren auch Kosten?

Ja. Im Insolvenzverfahren entstehen Kosten seitens des Gerichtes (Gerichts-, Verfahrenskosten) und Kosten für den Verwalter / Treuhänder. Es sollte vorsichtshalber ein Antrag auf Kostenstundung gestellt werden, falls die Insolvenzmasse nicht ausreichend ist um diese Kosten zu begleichen.

Wie lange dauert ein Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren?

Ein Verbraucherinsolvenzverfahren dauert seit Januar 2021 nur noch 3 statt wie bisher 6 Jahre.

Was kann ich machen, wenn ich keine Unterlagen zu meinen Schulden mehr habe?

Wir können Ihnen Vordrucke zur Verfügung stellen, mit denen Sie bei der Schufa, bei anderen Auskunfteien, beim Schuldnerverzeichnis und bei Gerichtsvollziehern um Auskunft ersuchen. Die Ermittlung bei den Gerichtsvollziehern muss aber durch Sie erfolgen. Wir beraten Sie, wie Sie das am besten organisieren. Sprechen Sie uns in dem Beratungsgespräch einfach darauf an.

Könnt Ihr mir bei einer Bescheinigung nach § 850c Abs. 4 ZPO (P-Konto Bescheinigung) helfen?

Selbstverständlich! Fülle dafür einfach das vorgefertigte Formular auf unserer Homepage unter dem Punkt "P-Konto" aus und du erhältst deine Bescheinigung innerhalb von 3-4 Werktagen.


Präsident: W. Seelig

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WhatsApp: 015732478936

Kompetente Schulden- und Insolvenzberatung im Großraum Stuttgart

Willkommen auf der Website des SIC Schuldner-Insolvenz-Centrum e. V. in Stuttgart. Wir sind Ihre Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um Schulden und Insolvenz. Egal, ob Sie privat oder geschäftlich vor einem Insolvenzverfahren stehen – wir helfen Ihnen professionell weiter. Entdecken Sie unsere Beratungsangebote und erste Informationen zu Ihren Optionen. Wir stehen Ihnen zur Seite!"

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Raus aus den Schulden mit unserer Hilfe

Seit über 10 Jahren unterstützen wir erfolgreich private und geschäftliche Schuldner im Raum Stuttgart und Umgebung auf dem Weg zur Schuldenfreiheit. Wir haben bereits zahlreichen Menschen durch das Insolvenzverfahren geholfen und legen großen Wert auf die Verbesserung Ihrer finanziellen Situation. Unser maßgeschneidertes Leistungsangebot richtet sich an Privatpersonen, Unternehmen (GmbH / UG) und Selbstständige. Vertrauen Sie auf unsere Expertise in Schuldnerberatung, Insolvenzberatung und Firmeninsolvenz. Erfahren Sie mehr zum Aufnahmebogen.

  • Bekannt aus Focus Online

    Unsere Expertise in der Schuldnerberatung und Insolvenzverwaltung wurde von Focus Online anerkannt.

    zum Beitrag 
  • BS Inso

    Partner von BS Inso – Gemeinsam mit BS Inso setzen wir uns für effektive Lösungen in der Insolvenzberatung ein.

  • GoldWert Bewertung

    GoldWert Bewertung – Unsere Dienstleistungen zur Schuldenregulierung und Insolvenz sind durch GoldWert ausgezeichnet und empfohlen.

  • Guten Morgen Deutschland

    Partner von Guten Morgen Deutschland – Wir sind stolz darauf, in der bekannten Sendung für unsere Kompetenz in der Insolvenzberatung erwähnt zu werden."

  • Deutsch Anwaltverein für Sanierungen

    Mitglied des Deutschen Anwaltvereins für Sanierungen – Wir arbeiten eng mit dem Verein zusammen, um Ihnen die besten Lösungen in der Insolvenzberatung zu bieten

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